Friday, February 2, 2018

Week of February 5

You can click on the link below so that you can sign up for the "Edible Rocks" items we will need once we begin the rocks and minerals unit.

Just a heads up, all science and social studies notes are posted in Google Classroom as we take them.

Also, for Valentine's Day, we have 20 students in class. To make easier, I'm asking that we only fill out the FROM section and not the TO section. It makes it easier and quicker when giving out the Valentines.

Topics for This Upcoming Week
Math - Module 3 Test on Tuesday (Study Buddy went home yesterday). We will begin lessons 1-3 on time (again) and begin Module 4.

Reading- Begin "Penguin Chick" story. Working on main idea and details and review theme. Theme quiz on Wednesday. Penguin Chick story test on Monday, February 12.

We will continue to work on complete/incomplete sentences, adjectives, and review contractions.

Science - Begin working on water habitat project in class. This will not come home and will be used as their assessment for water habitats. Will begin rocks and minerals Wednesday or Thursday.

Social Studies - American Revolution

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