Monday, February 12, 2018

Week of February 12th

Just a heads up, all science and social studies notes are posted in Google Classroom as we take them.

Topics for This Upcoming Week

Math -  Students will do a quiz on lessons 1-3 of Module 2 (time) on Wednesday. We will begin Module 4 - Perimeter and Area on Tuesday, the 13th.

Reading- Begin "Penguin Chick" story. Working on main idea and details and review theme. Theme quiz on Wednesday. Penguin Chick story test on Monday, February 12.

We will continue to work on complete/incomplete sentences, adjectives, and review contractions. They will have a quiz on Friday on the words your, you're, there, their, and they're.

Science - The students were really excited about the upcoming rocks and minerals unit, so we will do the water habitats project a little bit at a time during the morning. We started rocks and minerals Friday and took notes. We will create our first edible rock on Monday. We will have a quiz on rocks and minerals on Friday, the 16th. They will take their rocks and minerals assessment on Tuesday, the 20th.

Social Studies - American Revolution

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