Friday, November 3, 2017

Week of November 6th

Thank You All

I want to thank you all for supporting me in the growth and success of your wonderful babies!! AS you know, communication folders went home as well as data folders. Report cards and the last set of graded papers for the 1st quarter were in the folders. You may keep the report card but please return the report card cover back signed on Monday. If your student made the honor roll, they will be recognized on Wednesday, November 8th at 8:10. It will be upstairs in the media center.

The reflection forms they normally fill out on Fridays are inside the yellow data folders. They are already dated. Please have your child to fill them out and return them on Monday signed as well. As you can tell, most of them are pretty honest when evaluating themselves. Let's continue to encourage them to do their best and put 100% effort forth!! Thank you for all of your support!

Upcoming Topics

Math - Module 2
Quiz on lessons 11-14 on Tuesday

Review character traits and story elements
Transitions words for writing
read Here's My Dollar and test

Quiz on Tuesday
Test on Thursday

Social Studies
Quiz on Wednesday

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