Sunday, October 8, 2017

Week of October 9th

This past week was a very interesting week. We began reading workshop and studied our lima bean plants. Next week, we will hopefully, begin math workshop as well. I have also, sent our a link for conferences on Sign Up Genius. If the time listed do not work for you, please send me an email and we can have a phone conference if necessary. I would like to speak to each and everyone of you, if at all possible, so I can share some information on what we can do to ensure your child has a successful year in 3rd grade.

Sneak Peek at This Week
Image result for peek

Nonfiction, Questioning Strategies review, Story Map Elements

Finishing Multiplication and Division (Module 1) 
Quiz on Lesson 14- Monday (Originally scheduled for this past Friday. We worked on lessons 14-16 thoroughly in class last week)
 Module 1 Test on Friday

Grasslands-Test Wednesday 
Begin Temperate Forest Thursday

Social Studies
Regions and Rivers test Thursday
Begin Native Americans Friday

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