Friday, October 27, 2017

Week of October 29th

This past week was awesome!! We finished our units on Native Americans and the forest. We tested on them as well and these grades will go into the 1st quarter. Most exciting is how our plants have grown. Look for pictures to come!!

Next week, we begin our unit on SC explorers in social studies and rainforests in science. Measurement begins our unit in math which is actually a continuation of Module 2.

In reading, we will continue to work on character traits and story elements. We will also begin sequencing and using transition words.

I will be posting vocabulary words for each subject in Google Classroom this weekend!! Sharpen the saw and relax!!

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Review Time

Students are reviewing for their test with Quizlet Live. The competition is heavy.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Week of Oct. 16th

Weekly Communication folders came home this Friday. In the green folder, you should have grades, pictures, and a Veteran's Day slip. They should also have their weekly reflection sheet that should be filled out and shared with you. Please review, sign, and send back on Monday.

Please look over your child's pictures. If you choose to buy them, you can send the money in. But, if you are not happy with them or choose not to purchase them,  you can send the pictures back in. Of course, I had the chance to see them all first and they were awesome!!

On November 10, we have a breakfast planned for those that are who are on active duty or are veterans in the military. Please be sure to return the RSVP slip if you have anyone attending. There will be a breakfast starting at 7:30 and then a parade. All events will be over with by 8:45 am. Only those that are active duty military members will be participants of the parades.  

Also, this week, we have a 1/2 day on this Thursday and there is no school on Friday. Be sure to sign up for a conference, if you have not had the chance.  Please send in a chance of transportation if your child is taking a different method home either day. 

at the WEEK

Math - 
Mini-unit on Time
Image result for time

Reading - 
Character Traits, Suffixes, Story Elements, Text Evidence Sentence StartersRelated image

Science - 
Temperate Forest
Image result for temperate forest

Social Studies - 
Native Americans
Image result for sc native americans

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Week of October 9th

This past week was a very interesting week. We began reading workshop and studied our lima bean plants. Next week, we will hopefully, begin math workshop as well. I have also, sent our a link for conferences on Sign Up Genius. If the time listed do not work for you, please send me an email and we can have a phone conference if necessary. I would like to speak to each and everyone of you, if at all possible, so I can share some information on what we can do to ensure your child has a successful year in 3rd grade.

Sneak Peek at This Week
Image result for peek

Nonfiction, Questioning Strategies review, Story Map Elements

Finishing Multiplication and Division (Module 1) 
Quiz on Lesson 14- Monday (Originally scheduled for this past Friday. We worked on lessons 14-16 thoroughly in class last week)
 Module 1 Test on Friday

Grasslands-Test Wednesday 
Begin Temperate Forest Thursday

Social Studies
Regions and Rivers test Thursday
Begin Native Americans Friday

Monday, October 2, 2017

Tidbits for the Week of October 2

We are having quite a few of the students forgetting their snacks, but the good thing is we have had parents (Mrs. Pennington, Mrs. Plemons, Mrs. Winecoff) to donate some. Thank you all for donating to the class. We appreciate everything. Sadly, we are running low on them and we average about 2-3 kids per day who did not bring a snack. If anyone out there (who has not donated) would like to donate to the class, we would appreciate it. Just send them in with your child whenever you get a chance. By the time we get to lunch, if the kids had no snack, they would be starving. 

These are a must for our classroom. We do so much on the computer that it's almost impossible to be on the Chromebooks without them. I bought a few extra pair but it would be best if each child had their own pair. I'm having to clean 4-5 pair a day. If you don't mind, would you please verify with your child that they have a pair of working headphones here at school.

Sneak Peek
Image result for multiplicative and division inverse
Relating division to multiplication
Quiz on Friday, October 6 (lessons 11-15)
Review commutative property, arrays, distributive property
Quiz on 2's on Thursday, Oct. 5

Image result for reading questioning strategies
Questioning strategies
Review prefixes and suffixes
Paired texts comparisons

Image result for grasslands
Words to Know: adaptation, food chain, food web, producer, consumer, decomposer, predator, prey, herbivore, carnivore, omnivore
Quiz on Wednesday, October 4th
Grasslands Test on Monday, October 9

Social Studies
Image result for sc regions
6 Regions of SC and the 4 main river systems
Quiz on Friday, October 6
Test on Tuesday, October 10

Fireflies Fun