Friday, April 27, 2018

Week of April 30

Testing Treats
It's hard to believe that we are down to the last few days of school. I think there are only 23 days left.  I can't believe how fast this year has gone by. As we all know, we will have our state standardized testing in 2 weeks. On May 14th and 15th, we will test our ELA and reading. On May 17th, we will test on math. Though we will not test the following weeks, 4th and 5th grade will still be testing science and social studies. To alleviate some of the stress, we will have a Pop a Test Stress Balloon daily. There will also be snacks given to the students before we begin. This is just to ensure everyone has a full belly. I have already sent the link so that you can sign up. Thank you in advance!!

Finish Module 5 on fractions. Please remember to allow your child to go onto Zearn or Khan Academy for extra practice. They will complete a study buddy for Thursday night's homework and take the test on Monday, May 7.

We started our test on Tales of a Trickster and some of us will finish it on Monday. this week we will work on Nachos and Lolita. The skills we will hone in on are point of view, summarizing, and towards the end of the week, figurative language. We should be able to test on Nachos and Lolita on Friday, May 4. The vocabulary for this story has been posted in the Reading Google Classroom.

Fast and Slow Changes to Land
Quiz on Thursday
Box-It will be coming home

Social Studies
Antebellum Quiz Thursday
Test Friday
Box-It will be coming home

Monday, April 23, 2018

Week of April 23rd


Image result for fractions number line
Still working on fractions. Please be sure to use Zearn or Khan Academy if they are struggling. This is good for extra practice. Quiz will be on Wednesday for lessons 11-17.

Image result for tales of a trickster
We are working on "Tales of A Trickster".  The students have a link they can use with the vocabulary on Quizlet, but they should already have the words in their notebooks. We worked on this last week. They are learning the characteristics of a trickster in this story. The test for "Tales of a Trickster" will be on Thursday.
In this particular story, we are working on summarizing and comparing/contrasting. We are also reviewing previous skills such as cause/effect, fact/option, and 1st person/3rd person point of view.

Social Studies
Image result for antebellum
We started Antebellum today, but will test on Government on this Wednesday. They have their notes and box-it to use to study along with their graded quiz that was sent home Friday. This gives you an idea of what they still need to study. Hopefully, we will be able to test Antebellum next Wednesday. It's a short unit.

Government Studystack:

Image result for fast and slow land changes
We finished the unit with our Edible Soil activity last week. Hopefully that helped. Pictures from it are on a previous post. Our unit on soil bring us into Fast and Slow Land Changes. We will be focusing on weathering, erosion, and deposition in this particular unit.

Earth Day Activity with Mrs. Bright’s Class

 To celebrate Earth Day, which was Sunday, we created bird feeders with Mrs. Bright's class. These were made out of Cheerios and pipe cleaners.


Edible Soil Activity

The class is making edible soil using Oreos, chocolate pudding, Rice Krispies, and Powdered Sugar (yes, we had powered sugar everywhere 😆) . They took notes and had to draw a picture of their model. Afterwards, they complete a reflection on the activity. Enjoy the pictures.

Fireflies Fun