Saturday, March 17, 2018

Week of March 19th

Hello everyone!! We have been working hard this week. We finished another TDA. The kids were so amazed to see how much their writing has grown since the beginning of the year. They were like "Is that all I wrote? Wow!!" It is so awesome for them to see their growth and to catch some of their mistakes.

Also, some of the testing/quiz dates I posted previously will need to be changed. We have MAP testing for reading this Tuesday and math on Thursday.

Academic News

Math - We will be taking a quiz on Module 7, lessons 10-17 on this coming Wednesday (perimeter) but have officially moved into Module 5 on Fractions. There were some questions on Thursday night's homework I need to go over in more detail before the quiz. We are still working on math MAP challenge sessions.
Image result for fractions

Reading - We will begin the story of "Amazing Grace" and focus on cause/effect. We will still be reviewing how to analyze a TDA during this time.

Reading MAP challenge sessions on text features, reference materials, figurative language, point of view, text structures, and genres.

Image result for amazing grace

Science and Social Studies - Revolution Test on Monday, the 26th. In science, we will be working on soil.

Image result for soil types

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Week of March 12th


Everyone, welcome Majesta to our class of dynamic superheroes. She comes to us from Orlando, Florida. We have had an awesome time getting to know and she is adjusting well to our classroom. Once again, welcome and we hope you are enjoying yourself Majesta!!


Congratulations are in order to our very own Riley!! After auditioning, she was selected to sing the National Anthem at the Fireflies baseball game on Memorial Day. We have all had a chance to hear her sing and she has a beautiful voice!! That is so awesome!!

Academic News

Math - We will be taking a quiz on Module 7, lessons 10-17 on Friday (perimeter) and will begin officially moving into Module 5 on Fractions.  We are also working on math MAP challenge sessions.

Reading - Quiz on "Do Polar Bears Eat Penguins" on Friday. Here is the vocabulary if you want to see it.

Reading MAP challenge sessions on text features, reference materials, figurative language, point of view, text structures, and genres.

Science and Social Studies - No tests in these subjects this week.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Week of March 5th


We have had an awesome time this week. We finally finished all of our rock making activities. Whew!! Now, we are going into the soil unit. We will make edible soil this week.

Also, we have begin working on challenge activities to get us in the mindset of the MAP test, which is coming up. So, homework may be a little different than what you normally see, but it will reflect whatever we are working on in class.

Math -
           Finish Module 4 (area)
           Work on some lessons in Module 7 (perimeter)
            Review lessons on time
           Module 4 Quick check on Tuesday, March 6th on math vocabulary words (in their notebooks)
           Quiz on Wednesday, March 7th (Module 4, lessons 5-9)
           Quiz on Friday, March 9th (Module 7, Lessons 10,12,13,14,15,16,17)
           Test on Module 4 on Tuesday, March 13th
            Quick check on Fractions on Wednesday, March 14th (in their notebooks, we have already started working on this unit during our challenge time)

          Review main idea and details
          Reading comprehension practice
          Text Dependent Analysis practice
          Read "Do Polar Bears Eat Penguins?" (will be in their notebooks) along with the vocabulary for this quick read
           Test on it Friday, Marc 9th

          Work on soil unit

Social Studies
           Work on the Battles of American Revolution
           Work on the Women of the American Revolution
           Quiz on the battles, heroes, and women of the American Revolution on Tuesday, March 13th (more specifics will be in their notebooks)
             Test on Friday, March 16th on American Revolution


Fireflies Fun