Friday, August 25, 2017

Our First Week

What a Fantastic Week
 I would like to welcome you to the new year. We have had a fantastic beginning and I know this will continue throughout the year.

We spent a lot of time this week on procedures, having a growth mindset, and the 7 habits. We watched videos on Class Dojo that related to having a growth mindset. You can watch these videos on our Class Dojo class story. I sent home the registration code today so that you can register on this site. This is our behavior system. Right now all you will see are points rewarded. Next week, we will add how points can be taken away. We spent a lot of time practicing and talking about what's acceptable and not acceptable in class. So, this week was our trial period. I wanted to give them some practice time and acclimate them to being back in school.

I want them to understand that just because they don't get it the first time or they have to work a little harder, it does not mean they have failed or anything is wrong. In life, we know that all things do not come easy. Not having an understanding can make or break you. That's why we are starting this concept now instead of later. I want them to really focus on the word "YET." We talked about it and read a poem on it today. Not "I don't understand" but "I don't understand YET!"
Image from

Have them to share the hand signals that we learned for the 7 habits. We practiced them this week and they are able to do them without me. Have them to apply those habits to their home life. You will be so amazed at the results. We will begin working on goal setting within the next 2 weeks. 

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Upcoming Dates for the Week of August 28
Monday - "Read Books 2 Raise Bucks" kicks off 

Wednesday - Parent Volunteer Orientation at 8:15 AM 

Thursday - Parent Orientation Night - 5:30 and 6:30 PM.  

Friday - Author Visit with Langston Moore 
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Parent Communication Folders
These are the green folders that came home today. They have a lot of parent information in them for you to look over this weekend. It will come home every Friday. 
Some items in it this weekend are:
A) the order form for the book of the author who is coming on Friday
B) Volunteer form for the PTO
C) 7 Habits/Learning Self-Reflection log- please go over this with your child, sign, and return on Monday

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Reading Notebooks
I told the kids to take them and their library books home as well. They should be reading at least 20 minutes a night. In their reading notebook, there is a chart for them to log their reading in every time they read. Due to the information that I am requesting them to write, there was no room left for your signatures. I do ask that you check in and make sure they are reading 20 minutes nightly. 

Social Studies Notebooks
You should see these as well. We are working on map skills and basically understanding where we live in relation to the rest of the world. We focused on our continent, country, state, county, and city today. I told them their assignment and entry ticket to class on Monday is being able to tell me their address and phone number. We discussed how important it is to know this information if they are ever lost. Please practice this information with them.

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Next Week
ELA-Nonfiction Text-Be A Good Citizen, Suffixes, and Text Features:Bar Graphs, Begin setting up Writer's Notebook 
Math-Equal Groups-Multiplication
Science- Science Process Skills, Habitats
Social Studies- SC Geography, Maps, and Compass Rose

Fireflies Fun